(2023) How to Get Someone’s Phone Number from Instagram

Are you tired of searching for ways to get someone’s number from Instagram?

You are at the very right place if you have not received the answer even after a hardcore probing. 

In this post, we will be providing a guide to get anyone’s number from Instagram in a step-by-step format. 

So, without any further delay, let’s dive right into the details.

Phone number on Instagram

Instagram allows non-private accounts to include a phone number on their Instagram profile page. This acts as one more point of contact between users, opportunities, and Instagram accounts.

Whereas for an individual having a private page, the phone number is only used to create an account on Instagram.

But what if you need to know the phone number of an Instagram account? Is it possible? Well, the answer is Yes & No. It is not possible to find out the number of private Instagram accounts, but some accounts might have opened ways to contact them. Let’s find out the ways in this post.

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How to get someone’s phone number from Instagram

To get someone’s phone number from Instagram you can search for the number on their Instagram profile or any linked social media platform, you can try reaching out to their DM and ask for the contact details directly.

If you are here, you might have made up your mind to proceed with our guide, where you will learn how to get anyone’s number from Instagram.

The guide below to get someone’s number from Instagram has 7 different methods. You might have seen all of them in the content table mentioned above. So, you just need to try the methods one by one.

If you do not succeed in the first one, then proceed with the next one. And similarly, try all of them. We are pretty sure you will be able to find the contact number using any one of the mentioned ways below.

Note: All the methods mentioned below will require the latest version of the Instagram app. 

So, before proceeding, make sure to have the latest version installed on your smartphone.

You can even proceed with the steps mentioned below using your PC. 

1. Phone Number on Profile

The first and very easy way to get someone’s number from Instagram is by checking the profile of the Instagram page.

Instagram makes it easy for the users on its platform to maintain a profile for business. And if you are searching for the mobile number of a business, you must check out the user’s profile once.

While making an Instagram page for a business or even for a creator, Instagram allows the user to enter details like email, mobile number, website, and more. With this, creators and businesses on Instagram provide people with different ways to contact them.

How to get someone's number from Instagram

So, if you are searching for the phone number of a business, then you can find it on the profile page easily. You just need to click on the ‘Contact’ button below the Insta-bio of the profile.

If the Instagram page has mentioned its phone number, then you will see the option to call. That’s how you can get someone’s number from Instagram.

How to get someone's number from Instagram

But, if you do not find any number, proceed with the next method.

2. Use Instagram’s Discover feature

Another way of finding the phone number of an Instagram profile is by using the Discover people feature. Well, this doesn’t give you a special ability to extract someone’s phone number, which is impossible, but it will let you search the contacts using Instagram.

It is nothing but reverse engineering. And you will be able to find your contacts using Instagram using a different name.

Well, if someone is using Instagram with a different name, you should respect their privacy. Maybe they are not ready to be officially on Instagram. Respect privacy!

We hope you continue reading these steps to find contacts with good intentions.

Step 1: Go to your Instagram profile page.

Step 2: Select the ‘Discover profile’ icon next to Share profile button. Instagram updates the positioning of icons all the time. The placement could be a little different. Heads up!

Discover people option on Instagram profile

Step 3: You will find the list of suggested people. Scroll left and you will see ‘Find More People to Follow’ option. Select it.

Find more people in Instagram Discover people feature

Step 4: Now, on a new page you will some more suggested people to follow. But, you need to select the ‘Connect’ button situated at the top of the page.

Connect contacts on Instagram

Step 5: If you haven’t connected the contacts before, you will be asked to provide access to the contact list. Android users can provide access to contacts with a single tap.

Below, you can see a screenshot of how it appears on iPhone. Select ‘Settings’ and provide contacts access.

Allow contacts permission to Instagram

3. Use Email Address

Finding the phone number is an easy task on Instagram. You need to reach out to the profile page to see if the phone number is mentioned as a contact option on the page or not.

In many cases, a well-maintained business or creator would mention the contact number with other contact options.

But, if you cannot find the phone number, you should check out the profile for the email address.

And if you are in dire need of a phone number, you can quickly email the page owner using the email address mentioned on the page and ask them about their phone number.

How to get someone's number from Instagram

Make sure to be polite and gentle. If you are looking forward to business collaboration, mention that in the mail as well. And no issues if you are asking phone number for assistance. Just be ethical while talking to them.

And in case you do not get someone’s number from Instagram using the email, proceed with the next step.

4. Reach out to their Facebook

We would suggest you check out the first two parts if you have directly jumped to this part of the guide. You might find what are you looking for using the method mentioned above.

But, if you have already checked it out. Let us proceed with the next way.

Another way to find out the number of an Instagram page is to reach the Facebook page of the same Instagram profile. It can be done easily. Sometimes, the Instagram account mentions the link to their FB page in their bio.

But, if you cannot find one, search for the name of the Instagram page on Facebook. You should find it.

On the Facebook page. Search for the Call button. Facebook provides several call-to-action options. Using this option, the owner of the page can motivate the user to take an action. One of the call-to-action options is ‘Call.’

You just need to hit the “Call” button to make a call. And that’s how to get someone’s number from Instagram.

If this method doesn’t help much, kindly proceed to the next one.

5. Reach out to their website

If nothing has worked so far, this method should help you to get someone’s number from Instagram.

If an Instagram account has not mentioned any phone number, email address, or even the Facebook account link. Then you should be looking for the next point of contact.

In most cases, the common point of contact would be the website. You just need to look out for the website link in the Instagram bio or description.

If you are not aware, the website is in www.companyname.com” format. And it can be easily found in the bio of the users. You just need to click on the link to visit the official website of the Instagram page.

How to get someone's number from Instagram

And on the website, you can check out the Contact Us” or “About Us” pages of the site. On these pages, you can easily find the phone number, even the office address.

And again, if you failed, proceed with the following method.

6. Use Instagram DMs

Instagram is for everyone. Whether you are an individual, creator, or even a business owner, you can find different features and tools that can help you get the best user experience on Instagram.

Instagram has a messenger feature, too; it is called Directs. Anyone on Instagram can use it to contact anyone on Instagram.

If you are wondering how you can get someone’s number from Instagram, you can use the DM feature. You can message the Instagram account and ask for the contact number.

How to get someone's number from Instagram

To do this, you need to go to the account’s profile page and select on “Message” button. And this would be present on every Instagram account, whether it is a private account or a business one.

Make sure to be polite while asking for the phone number and explain your needs. It will be significantly easier to get the number if you proceed ethically.

NOTE: Never ask for the email address and phone number in the comments section of a post. As Instagram flags comments containing personal information to protect the Instagram community. Moreover, these comments will be hidden from your posts.

7. Mobile Number Finder Tools

Another way to get someone’s number from Instagram is by using third-party tools. These tools can tell you the phone number used to create a particular Instagram account. But, most of the time these tools do not work at all. So, we do not suggest using tools like these.

But, if a tool offers service for free of cost, you can try it once. You will be asked to enter the username of the account only.

Well, it looks like an easier way to get someone’s number from Instagram, but according to our research, Mobile Number Finder tools are not the best way to get things done. Most of the tools you find are nothing but scam.

Sometimes, these tools generate random phone numbers as well. And that is absurd and not more of use.

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Final Words

And that’s it, guys.

We have mentioned all the ways by which you can get someone’s number from Instagram. You just need to follow the ways one by one.

Try the very first way. And if you cannot find the contact number, proceed with the next method mentioned in the guide.

Always remember to be ethical while you contact any Instagram account owner directly. And be honest with your motives.

Now, allow us to wrap up this article here only.

Further Reading:

How to See My Instagram Activity: Ultimate Guide

How To Auto-Reply To Instagram Messages (Free)

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