Why are my Tickets not Eligible for Resale on Ticketmaster

Have you ever attempted to resell tickets on Ticketmaster Resale just to find out that they were not eligible?

This is a common problem, and it may leave you feeling confused and upset, since you may not understand why certain tickets are not eligible for resale on Ticketmaster. Even if you are a StubHub user, your tickets may not be eligible for resale on StubHub as well.

But don’t worry! The answers you’re looking for can be found in this article. By reading this article, you’ll get insight into the factors that prevent your tickets from being resold on Ticketmaster, allowing you to make informed decisions and, if required, explore other resale strategies.

Why are my tickets not eligible for resale on Ticketmaster?

Short Answer: Your tickets are not eligible for resale on Ticketmaster because resale tickets cannot be resold, tickets for third-party events cannot be resold, the deadline for resale has passed, the tickets are not displaying in your account, the tickets are not valid for resale, or a delivery delay is in effect. 

Ticketmaster logo

1. Resale tickets cannot be resold

The tickets cannot be resold via the site again if you initially bought them as resale tickets through Ticketmaster Resale. Rather than the “sell” option, you will encounter a warning saying “resale not available” when you attempt to put these tickets for sale.

This policy helps ensure that the ticketing system is not compromised by fraudulent actions like the resale of the same ticket numerous times. Tickets purchased via Ticketmaster Resale cannot be resold on any other resale marketplace as well.

2. Deadline for resale has passed

There is a time limit on resale tickets via Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster may remove the “sell” option from your tickets if the event is happening in the next few days. This is because there is a possibility that there won’t be enough time to complete the transaction and send the tickets to the person who bought them before the event starts.

It is in Ticketmaster’s best interest for the resale to go off without a hitch and for the new purchaser to have plenty of time to acquire and utilize the tickets. To avoid last-minute sales that may not be processed in time, the “sell” button is disabled as the event date approaches.

3. Tickets not displaying in your account

To be able to resell a ticket, it must be linked to your Ticketmaster account. Tickets that have already been added to your Ticketmaster account may be resold using the Ticketmaster Resale feature.

In case you booked your tickets over the phone with a Ticketmaster agent, they will not appear in the account. Therefore, you will not be able to resell these tickets via Ticketmaster Resale. This restriction exists because ticket purchases made by phone are not linked to an individual’s online profile.

In addition to its own website, customers may buy tickets for shows via Ticketmaster Theatre, Frontgate, and Ticketweb, just to name a few. However, tickets purchased via these third-party sites will not appear in your Ticketmaster account.

As a result, you can’t resell these tickets on Ticketmaster Resale even if you bought them via a partner site. The reason for this is that tickets purchased via Ticketmaster’s partners are not automatically linked to your Ticketmaster account for resale.

4. Tickets not valid for resale

Some ticket types are presently unavailable for resale on Ticketmaster Resale. This includes deposit or installment payment plans for festival tickets. Festival tickets bought using a payment plan or deposit program may be subject to resale restrictions that prevent them from being listed on Ticketmaster Resale.

Tickets to some theatrical events may also fall outside the platform’s resale policy. These limitations may be imposed for a variety of reasons that are particular to each festival or play, as well as the guidelines established by the event’s organizers and/or the venue(s).

5. Delivery delay in effect

Tickets may be temporarily unavailable for resale due to delivery delays imposed by event organizers or venues. And hence, these tickets won’t go on resale until a day or two before the event, or very close to the scheduled start time. Tickets may be resold on Ticketmaster Resale after the delivery delay period has ended.

6. Tickets for third-party events cannot be resold

Tickets purchased via Ticketmaster cannot be resold for use at events hosted by third parties. When Ticketmaster is not the main ticket seller for an event, we call it a “third-party event.”

This means that Ticketmaster is not directly involved in the management or organization of these events. This implies that you can’t use Ticketmaster Resale to resell tickets for an event hosted by another organization.



1. Does Ticketmaster always allow resale?

The Event Organiser has the exclusive authority to enable or disable resale options, and tickets are also not accessible for resale for every event.

Final Words

In conclusion, if you want to sell your tickets on Ticketmaster without any hiccups, you must have a solid understanding of the possible causes of their ineligibility.

The various factors that may affect your tickets’ eligibility for resale have been covered in this article. By having an understanding of these restrictions, you may prevent unnecessary hassle when listing your tickets for sale on Ticketmaster Resale.