How to Set Price Alert on StubHub

Want to know when tickets at the price you want to go on sale on StubHub?

The good news is that you have arrived at the right place in search of the solution to your problem. In this post, we’ll go through whether or not price alerts can be set up, and if it is possible, how to get started with them.

You will get familiar with the steps required for setting up a price alert on StubHub if you read this post. So, make sure you stick to the end of the article.

Can I set a price alert on StubHub?

Short Answer: No, StubHub does not allow you to set a price alert currently. Due to recent platform modifications, this functionality has been disabled.

For a while, users of the StubHub mobile app could sign up to get notifications whenever the price of an event’s tickets matched the one they set on the app. With this option, consumers may choose the highest possible price they would pay for a ticket to a particular event and StubHub used to notify the user when a seller put tickets on sale within the set price range.

However, customers and online forums like Reddit have reported that StubHub has deleted the price alert feature after performing updates and maintenance. This implies that there is presently no way to directly set up a price alert on StubHub to be notified when tickets become available at a certain price.

Reddit thread on the removal of the price alert feature on StubHub


StubHub’s price alert feature may no longer be accessible, but there may be other means to monitor ticket prices and availability. If you’re interested in keeping up with forthcoming events and ticket listings, StubHub recommends subscribing to their email newsletters, following their official social media accounts, or visiting their website often.

StubHub still sends out alerts to its customer base whenever new events are added or tickets to previously listed events go on sale. This not only keeps consumers informed of ticket availability but also keeps them aware of ticket prices in general, however, it doesn’t tell them explicitly which prices fall inside their preferred range.

How to set a price alert on StubHub

You won’t find the option to create a price alert on StubHub since the platform does not provide that particular feature anymore. However, you may take the following steps to have StubHub notify you when tickets to a certain event you’re interested in become available:

  • Step 1: Launch the StubHub app on your smartphone.
  • Step 2: Log in or register for an account.
  • Step 3: Type the name of the event in the search field
  • Step 4: Press Enter or click on the search icon to initiate the search.
  • Step 5: From the results, choose the event.
  • Step 6: When tickets are not available, choose “Tell me when they become available.”

If there are currently no tickets available for the selected event, click the “Tell me if tickets become available” option below to have StubHub notify you as soon as they become available.

"Tell me if tickets become available" option on StubHub



1. How did StubHub’s price alert feature work before it was removed?

Price alerts on StubHub used to let consumers decide how much they were prepared to spend for a ticket to a certain event. Users would be alerted on their mobile devices whenever a seller posted a ticket for sale at or below the set price.

2. Why did StubHub remove the price alert feature?

As part of its regular platform upgrades and maintenance, StubHub disabled its price alert service. The company has not made any mention of the precise reasons for this decision.

3. Is there any alternative option to set a price alert on StubHub?

Unfortunately, StubHub does not at this time have a way to establish a price alert directly on its platform. When there are no tickets advertised for a certain event, you can either use the “Tell me if tickets become available” function or look into the various notification services offered by StubHub.

Final Words

Although StubHub may have eliminated the useful price alert function for consumers, there are still other ways to monitor ticket availability. By following the instructions in this article, you’ll be able to take advantage of StubHub’s notification services and be the first to know when tickets become available for the events of your choice.

Searching and keeping an eye out will help you increase your chances of getting tickets at a reasonable price. Keep in mind that your chances of getting the tickets you want on StubHub improve if you visit the site often, make use of the “Tell me if tickets become available” option for events that do not yet have listings, and actively engage on the site.