(2023) How to Cancel Ticketmaster Tickets

If an event is canceled or if a problem arises in your schedule, you may be concerned about getting a refund from Ticketmaster.

When you find yourself in a position where you may not be able to get a refund for tickets you can’t use, it can be frustrating. That being said, it’s possible to feel the same kind of frustration if you do not know how to add Ticketmaster tickets to Apple Wallet.

However, there is a way to cancel tickets and get a refund if the event organizer allows it. This, of course, depends on the specifics of the situation and the restrictions of the event organizer.

You may increase your chances of getting a refund by following the steps listed below to go through the cancellation and refund procedure. So, let’s dive into the details!

Can you cancel Ticketmaster tickets?

Short Answer: The answer is yes, you may cancel your Ticketmaster tickets. However, refunds are not always possible and will depend on the specifics of your case.

Ticketmaster logo

Sometimes the event is rescheduled to a time when you are otherwise engaged. If you bought your ticket through Ticketmaster, you may usually request a refund if the performance is rescheduled.

You may refer to the sections below to find out how to cancel a ticket and get a refund from Ticketmaster.

How to cancel Ticketmaster tickets

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Ticketmaster website

Visit www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster’s official site.

  • Step 2: Sign in to your account

Use the email address and password you used to buy tickets to access your Ticketmaster account.

  • Step 3: Navigate to your profile page

  • Step 4: Select the My Tickets option from the list

  • Step 5: Locate and choose the ticket

Cancel the ticket(s) you no longer need by selecting the order that contains them.

  • Step 6: Select the Cancel option

  • Step 7: Follow the directions

Depending on the event and ticket category, Ticketmaster will give appropriate steps for canceling your tickets.

How to get a refund from Ticketmaster

In case the event you purchased tickets for is completely canceled, Ticketmaster will provide a complete refund to you. Your connected account will be reimbursed with the return amount within a few working days without any additional effort on your part.

When an event is postponed to a later date, however, Ticketmaster typically gives customers 30 days (sometimes even up to 2 weeks) to decide whether they want a refund or to attend the rescheduled event.

The rules of each event organizer are what ultimately decide Ticketmaster’s refund policy. There may be zero refunds or just half refunds available for some events, while others may give complete refunds.

You could try contacting the event’s organizer when Ticketmaster refuses to provide the reimbursement. Ticketmaster needs permission from the event’s organizer prior to providing reimbursements. On the other hand, the organizer could be ready to grant an exception under certain circumstances.

Having stated that, below are the steps to get a refund on Ticketmaster:

  • Step 1: Sign into your Ticketmaster profile.
  • Step 2: Navigate to ‘My Account’.
  • Step 3: From the left-hand side of the page, choose ‘My Tickets.’
  • Step 4: Select the event for which you wish to get a refund.
  • Step 5: Go to ‘See Details’ and choose ‘Refund.’
  • Step 6: Select whatever tickets you want reimbursed.


1. When can I not get a Ticketmaster refund?

Ticketmaster does not provide refunds for events if a customer decides they do not want to attend after purchasing a ticket. The same rule applies to tickets that are misplaced, stolen, damaged, etc.

2. How long does it take Ticketmaster to process a refund?

If your refund is authorized and Ticketmaster has received payment from the Event Organizer, you may expect to get your money back to the payment mode you used to make the transaction within 30 days.

3. How do I find out whether my order is qualified for a refund?

The Event Organizers have the final say over your refund request. Your online account has a section under “My Events” where you may check the status of your tickets for eligibility.

Final Words

If you follow the instructions and read the refund policy carefully, you will have a better chance of getting your money back.

Keep in mind that Ticketmaster’s refund policies change based on the nature of the event and other factors. If you are denied a refund by Ticketmaster, don’t be afraid to contact the event’s organizer to see if they can help.