How much does SeatGeek Charge to Sell Tickets

Want to know whether there are any SeatGeek fees?

Wondering how much fees SeatGeek would charge you to purchase or sell tickets?

It is important for both purchasers and sellers of tickets to understand how fees operate and how they affect the total cost or revenue. We’ll break down SeatGeek’s costs in detail below so that both buyers and sellers have the information they need to make smart transactions.

Does SeatGeek have fees?

Yes, depending on the show and the kind of ticket you’re purchasing a service and delivery fee may be added to your total at checkout after you purchase tickets on SeatGeek.

SeatGeek logo

SeatGeek is an online marketplace for purchasing tickets to live events including concerts, sporting events, and theatrical performances. Tickets purchased via SeatGeek come with additional costs for service and delivery. SeatGeek’s ability to provide a trustworthy and easy-to-use platform for locating and buying tickets to live events is made possible by these service fees.

The specific cost of fees may change based on the specifics of the event and the specifics of the ticket you’re buying. SeatGeek has a convenient filter “Prices with fees” that can be activated above any ticket listing page. You may see the full price of the tickets here, with the fees covered, or you can check the rates here minus the fees.

Here’s how to narrow your search results:

  • Step 1: Launch the SeatGeek app and search for an event.
  • Step 2: Click Filter in the menu bar, directly over the listings.
  • Step 3: View final pricing including all service charges, adjust your order total, etc.

When you book a ticket on SeatGeek, you’ll get a detailed breakdown of the shipping and handling costs before you confirm your purchase.

Before committing to a purchase, you’ll have the chance to go through the related costs and make sure you’re comfortable with them. You should know that as long as the event is not canceled, SeatGeek is not going to issue a refund for the costs.

This implies that the costs are often not refundable if you opt to cancel or make any changes to your reservation. If an event is canceled, however, SeatGeek normally reimburses the customer for the full cost of their transaction, including any applicable fees.

How much does SeatGeek charge to sell tickets?

Short Answer: SeatGeek charges a fee of 10 percent of the final selling price when you sell tickets on the website. This charge is taken out of the money you make from selling your ticket. It’s worth noting, though, that SeatGeek doesn’t charge you to advertise or upload tickets.

Imagine you’re selling tickets online and you set the price at $80. SeatGeek charges a 20% service fee in addition to the listed price of your ticket from a customer when they make a successful purchase. In this scenario, the charge amounts to $16, thus the customer would pay $96 for the ticket in total.

There is a 10% fee ($8) charged by SeatGeek from the seller, which is deducted from the $80 selling price. As a consequence, the seller would make $72 ($80-$8) from the transaction.

In conclusion, SeatGeek assesses a 10% fee on the final selling price of your ticket, which is subtracted from the money you earn as the seller. The buyer’s final cost is greater because of the 20% charge added to the selling price.


1. Does SeatGeek Charge Any Secret Fees?

When purchasing tickets from SeatGeek, you won’t have to worry about any hidden costs that may add up at checkout on other ticketing sites. SeatGeek includes all fees in a single amount and displays it clearly in their listings.

On SeatGeek, you can compare the total cost of tickets with a single click of the “include fees” button. There won’t be any hidden costs to worry about.

2. Can I bargain or reduce SeatGeek fees?

In the event that you find any hidden or extra costs on a SeatGeek ticket price, you may be able to reduce them by contacting SeatGeek via one of the following channels:

  • Get in touch with support if you notice a discrepancy between the final price and the price shown for your tickets.
  • Write them an email in case you see an increase in the prices you’re charged via SeatGeek.

Final Words

Buyers and sellers alike should be aware of how SeatGeek charges its fees. SeatGeek imposes an additional fee on top of the price of each ticket. These fees should be taken into consideration by both buyers and sellers when planning their budgets for tickets and when determining the price at which they will be offered for sale.

Keep in mind that SeatGeek charges fees for both buying and selling tickets. These fees help maintain a secure and efficient marketplace for everyone. Get the most out of your time on SeatGeek by learning about the service’s pricing structure and making full use of its features. Best of luck in your ticket search/sale!